Finally move these red letters 50px down.ĩ. Keep the red letters selected and go to the Object > Expand Appearance. Make sure that the resulting letters are still selected and make a copy ( Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of them, then replace the existing stroke color of these copies with red. Next reselect all these letters and go to the Effect > Stylize > Round Corners… Enter a 10px Radius and click OK.

Place the newly created letters to the positions like you see in the image below. Next select the group of the letter “C” and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder palette.Ĩ. The resulting object should look like the fourth image below. Having the resulting rectangle selected, hold down the Shift and click on the two red rectangles, then click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder palette. Focus on the letter “S”, select two black rectangles of this letter, open the Pathfinder palette ( Window > Pathfinder) and click on the Unite button. Next select the group of the letter “U” and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder palette.ħ. Now select two black rectangles, open the Pathfinder palette ( Window > Pathfinder) and click on the Unite button. Focus on the letter “M”, select two groups of this letter and ungroup ( Ctrl +Shift +G) them. In the Rotate dialog box, enter a -90 degrees Angle and click OK.Ħ. Still this newly created group selected, double-click on the icon of the Rotate Tool (R) from the Toolbar. Select the “Main_Shape” group and make a copy ( Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of it, then place the copy to another position. Pick the Rectangle Tool (T) and create a 50 by 120px rectangle. We will continue with the shape of the letter “I”. Finally select the lower red rectangle and move it 100px to the left.ĥ. Next press ( Ctrl +Shift +G) to ungroup the resulting groups. In the Rotate dialog box, enter a 90 degrees Angle and click OK. Still the two newly created groups selected, double-click on the icon of the Rotate Tool (R) from the Toolbar. Select the two groups of the letter “M” created in the step 2 and make a copy ( Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of them, then place these copies to other positions. It’s time to draw the shape of the letter “S”. In the Reflect dialog box, check the Horizontal and click OK.Ĥ. Make sure that the newly created group is still selected and double-click on the icon of the Reflect Tool (O) from the Toolbar.

We are going to create the shape of the letter “U”. Keep the newly created group selected and make a copy ( Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of it, then move the copy 72px to the right.ģ. Now select and group ( Ctrl +G) the two rectangles created in this step, then name this group “Main_Shape”.

Next reselect the red rectangle and move it 40px down. Select the two newly created rectangles, open the Align palette ( Window > Align) and click on the Horizontal Align Center button, then click on the Vertical Align Bottom button. Pick the Rectangle Tool (M) and create two rectangles with dimensions: 120 by 120px and 30 by 100px. First of all, we’ll create the shape of the letter “M”. Select RGB, Screen (72ppi) and make sure that the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid box is unchecked before you click OK.Ģ. Select Pixels from the Units drop-down menu, enter 1000 in the width box and 684 in the height box then click on the Advanced button. Launch Illustrator and then press (Ctrl + N) to create a New document.
Next, you will learn how to add color, shading and highlights using a bunch of gradients, the Appearance palette and several effects. First, you will learn how to create the main shapes that will make up your text using some simple rectangles and some basic vector shape building techniques. In the following steps you will learn how to create a drum text effect in Adobe Illustrator.